Friday, July 25, 2003

Other Blogs

I added a section called Sites of some of favorite places on the internet. I also finally updated my Blogs section to contain all the blogs that I peruse on a regular basis.

I never noticed it before, but in my Favorites folder I have nearly twice as many blogs by female bloggers as I do blogs by my gender (10 to 6). It got me wondering: Is this just me, or is this ratio indicative of the whole internet blogging community? It wouldn't be unfathomable to believe that there are twice as many female bloggers as male bloggers. I mean, keeping a diary or a journal of one's day-to-day activities is usually thought of as a feminine past-time, but you still see some men doing it. So, is this the reason why there appears to be more female than male bloggers?

Or is the real answer that are nearly equal amounts of male and female bloggers, but females, on average, just have better, more interesting content?

Or are neither of these true, the real answer being that out of the small slice of the internet that I have viewed, I just happen to have by chance run across twice as many interesting female bloggers than male bloggers?

Someone should do a study.

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