Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Although it is probably just a form letter, I received a reply to my email to my local senator regarding Missouri Sex Education. It is as follows:

Dear Mr. Garwood:

Thank you so much for your e-mail about women's health issues. I truly appreciate the involvement and help of supporters.

As your mail requested, I do oppose HB 1055. In fact, I stood on the floor last week at length to point out a very similar bill's deficiencies and lack of solution.

Few things are as important to me as women's health, factual sex education and protecting reproductive rights. I hope you will also take a look at another bill I sponsored - SB 514 offering coverage for women who wish to get the vaccine against HPV (the leading cause of cervical cancer). web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=17408. I am thrilled to announce that it passed committee unamimously. I am hopeful that this bill will come before the full Senate soon.

My dedication to this fight is unwavering and I truly appreciate your letter of support. Please continue to stay involved and in touch.

Very best regards,

Jolie L. Justus
Senator, District 10
Room 328, Capitol Building
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-751-2788
FAX: 573-751-9776


  1. I got my vaccination a couple of days ago! Hence the awesome Facebook pic.

    was the original letter that hard to read?

  2. maggie, no, the original letter was not that hard to read; it was just formatted funny. So, I have reformatted it to make it all visible. Thanks for pointing it out.

    By the way, do you have a Blogger profile (maggie) now? Furthermore, do you have a Blogger blog to go along with it? If so, why haven't you given us the URL yet?


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