Both my pockets have holes in the bottom -- drainage for loose change -- that are big enough to stick my finger through. This makes them only useful to protect my hands against the biting September air.
when your fingers snap from crossing them so hard
Both my pockets have holes in the bottom -- drainage for loose change -- that are big enough to stick my finger through. This makes them only useful to protect my hands against the biting September air.
behind the bed under in on the shaggerous shadow of a tiger waits watches while the tivelless child plays content smiles laughs until unexpected exploding from the dark claws scrape walls pillows sheets teeth wrend hair fingers limbs the cody monster with ruthless fangarity crushes devours its idontic prey
I used to play with the towel-head and the chink from down the street. Jerry didn’t really wear a towel-on his head, but that’s what he was. I think he said his family was from Pakistan or something. And Sing-song – that was as close as we could come to pronouncing his name – even though his parents were from Korea he didn’t talk funny at all. He talked really good for a chink. In fact, if you talked to him on the phone you might have thought he was a regular person. Both Jerry and Sing-song talked just as good as anybody else.
So, I always used to hang out with them – ride our bikes and pick on the younger kids mostly – because they were the only guys the same age as me on my block. Well, Sing-song and me were the same age, Jerry was a grade above us in school, but besides us, the only other guy on the block was Thomas, the retarded kid.
Sometimes we used to wait at the bus stop until Thomas got off the short bus and we’d pick on him for a while. We weren’t really that mean or nothing; we didn’t hurt him. We’d just ask him dumb questions and he didn’t know no better, so he’d always answer them funny and we’d all get a big kick out of it. Even Thomas most times. I think in his head we were all best friends, which I guess was kind of true, seeing as we were the only people that talked to him, besides his family. After we were done picking on Thomas every day, we’d always take him home, mostly so Jerry could see if Claire was home.
"And that's what smoking is. It's twenty little conversation-starters in a box."
"In the end, if I had to choose between a girl with nice face and mediocre body or a girl with a mediocre face but nice body, I'd have to prioritize the face. Butts get big, boobs sag, but you'll always have that pretty face to look at."
One of my favorite blogs, Escribitionist, is no more.
Let's all have a moment of silence in memory of its author, Jane Irony Doe.
Goodbye, Jane. I'll miss you.
I'm waging war with a pimple the size of Minneapolis on my chin. I'm sad to say that it's winning.
Interview of StellarMel:
1. Who is the most influential person in your life?
2. If you could live in any city in the world, where would you live?
3. What one thing do you find most attractive about the opposite sex?
4. What is the most devious thing you've ever done?
5. What is your quest? your favorite color? the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?
Please, white-guys-with-cornrows, just stop it already. What's next, do-wrags?
Interview of Miss Madness:
1. What is your favorite season of the year and why?
2. When and why was the last time you cried?
3. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
4. Describe the attributes your ideal soulmate must possess.
5. What are your worst vice and best asset?
First things first, here are the rules of the Interview Game:
1. Leave a comment or send me an email, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3. You'll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Gimmy of Gimcracker asked me the following five questions:
1. What do you love most about women?
I enjoy how most of them can make a big deal about even the most trivial of things. It brings excitement into my usually boring life.
2. Describe your worst habits.
I have a bad habit of looking at the ground when I'm talking to people I don't know very well, and boy do I slouch. Also, I'm not sure if this is a "bad habit," but people tell me I don't smile enough.
3. What's the best moment you've ever experienced?
It's funny how, when I'm trying to think of all the best moments I've experienced, only the worst ones come to mind. I guess that's why I'm "cynical" McBastard, huh?
4. Boxers or briefs?
Actually, both. A couple years ago I started wearing boxer-briefs, and I've never gone back. I used to wear briefs, but I thought they were too constricting. And boxers, well, I felt like I might as well have been free-balling. The genious of boxer-briefs is the marriage of the comfort and freedom of boxers with the support of tightie-whities. It's so simple, it makes me wonder why they didn't come up with them hundreds of years ago. Did people even wear underwear hundreds of years ago?
5. Describe a technological innovation you hope will be commonplace in 30 years.
I would like to see Aritificial Intelligence developed to the point where computers could actually think and learn for themselves. That or a George Foreman Grill that not only cooks your burgers and warms the buns, but does your taxes while you wait.
Blogger is harder to operate when intoxicated.
Where did they go?
Foreign oblivious.
It's like a poem.
Talking on the stairs.
"You can't see all my piercings"
Secrets, secrtes are no fun . . .
Lonely, in all the wrong places.
The best things in life are out of reach.
One last thing.
I just kinda left.
For Tom's birthday last night, I helped get him piss-ass drunk.
Too bad it was me who threw up instead of him.